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Ahola, M. & Hartikainen, A. 2022. Lesson Learned of Tablet Course for Semi-literate Immigrants. In book Ahram, T., & Taiar, R. (Eds.). (2022). Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications (Vol. 23). AHFE International. Retrieved:

Zafar, A. & Ahola, M. 2022. Internationalisation of Finnish Firms and Use of Digital Solutions. In book Ahram, T., & Taiar, R. (Eds.). (2022). Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications (Vol. 23). AHFE International. Retrieved:

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Ahola, M., Zafar., A. & Pusa, M.-L. (2022). MALVA mukana matkalla kohti työelämää – Missä asioissa tukea tarvittiin? Teoksessa: Nuutila, L. & Honkanen, E. (toim). Tahdon töihin. Moniäänisiä näkökulmia maahanmuuttajien työllistymiseen. Helsinki: Haaga-Helia. Haaga-Helian julkaisut 1/2022. 160-168. Retrieved:

Ahola, M. & Zafar., A. (2022). Bottien matkassa – kokemuksia MALVAssa. Teoksessa: Nuutila, L. & Honkanen, E. (toim). Tahdon töihin. Moniäänisiä näkökulmia maahanmuuttajien työllistymiseen. Helsinki: Haaga-Helia. Haaga-Helian julkaisut 1/2022. 177-184. Retrieved:

Ahola, M., Zafar., A. & Pusa, M.-L. (2022). Yritysten digitaalisten perehdytyskäytänteiden ja tuen kartoitus. Teoksessa: Nuutila, L. & Honkanen, E. (toim). Tahdon töihin. Moniäänisiä näkökulmia maahanmuuttajien työllistymiseen. Helsinki: Haaga-Helia. Haaga-Helian julkaisut 1/2022. 49-56. Retrieved:

Zafar A. (2022) Survival of Fittest: Open Innovation and Product Development Linkages. In: Ahram T., Taiar R. (eds) Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V. IHIET 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 319. Springer, Cham.

Ahola M., Zafar A., Porras J., Hyypiä M. (2022) International Employees’ Perceptions and UX Design Utilization in Online Learning Development. In: Ahram T., Taiar R. (eds) Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V. IHIET 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 319. Springer, Cham.

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Sköld, A. M. et al. 2021. Innovative suppliers knowledge integration and digitization. MGMT of Innovation and Technology 1 (March 2021), 3. Innovation & idégenerering. Retrieved:

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Zafar, A. & Ahola, M. 2021. Human-Artificial Systems Collaboration in Service Innovation and Social Inclusion. Will be published in book Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration: Integrating People and Intelligent Systems (IHSI 2021). Springer Nature. Virtual Conference, February 22-24, 2021. Retrieved:

Kirjavainen, H., Keskikuru, S. & Ahola, M. 2021. MESH-hankkeen ”Pitch your skills”-työpaja. Turun ammattikorkeakoulu, MESH-hankkeen Blogi. Retrieved:

Oikarinen, T., Ahola, M., Hartikainen, A., Martikainen, S.-J. & Peltonen, K. 2021. Maahanmuuttajien yrittäjyyden edistäminen. Teoksessa Tulonen S., Kaasinen E., Gustafsson-Pesonen A. (Toim.). YKTT2020 – Yrittäjyyskasvatuspäivät yrittäjyyden ytimessä. Konferenssijulkaisu. Xamk Kehittää 139, Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu. Yrittäjyyskasvatuspäivät (YKTT) 2020. 254-270. Retrieved:

Youtube -videokooste

Ahola, M. & Hartikainen, A. 2020. KOKOMA-hankkeessa vahvistettiin kielitaitoa ja rohkaistiin yrittäjyyteen. Retrieved:

Barreiro-Gen, M., Lozano, R. & Zafar, A. 2020. Changes in Sustainability Priorities in Organisations due to the COVID-19 Outbreak: Averting Environmental Rebound Effects on Society. Sustainability, 12 (12). Retrieved:

Ahola, M., Hartikainen, A. & Lampinen, M. 2020. Resources and support for employing immigrants. Anita Hartikainen & Kati Peltonen (eds.). LAB Health Annual Review 2020, The Publication Series of LAB University of Applied Sciences, part 5, 71-87. Lahti. Retrieved:

Ahola, M. 2020. Valkokettu, Tilkkunen ja Tonttilan Aino – kymmenen uutta yritystä KOKOMAssa koronasta huolimatta. Retrieved:

Ahola, M., Handelberg, J., Hartikainen, A., Hirard, T., Ikäheimonen, T., Karppelin, A., Kuukkanen, T., Oikarinen, T., Peltonen, K. ja Rajala, S. 2020. KOKOMA yrittäjyysvalmiuksia maahanmuuttajille suomeksi. Opettajan opas. LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications – Oppimateriaalit – Lecture Notes 21. ISSN-L 2243-3392. ISSN 2243-3392. ISBN 978-952-335-562-0. Retrieved:

Ikäheimonen, T., Oikarinen, T., Martikainen, S-J., Peltonen, K., Ahola, M. & Hartikainen, A. 2020. KOKOMA – koulutusmallin arviointi. LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications, raportit ja selvitykset – reports, nro 101. LUT University, 2020. Retrieved:

Zafar, A. 2020. Reasons for outsourcing innovations and its effect on firm performance: Evidence from highly innovative firms from twenty countries. Technium Soc. Sci. J., 13, 305. Retrieved:

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Ahola, M. & Lahtio, H. 2019. Through educational cooperation, better entrepreneurial skills for highly educated immigrants. In Finnish. LAMK Well-Being Blog. Retrieved:

Ahola, M. & Olkkonen, T. 2019. At the interface between the educational institution and working life – cooperation and attitude. In Finnish. LAMK Well-Being Blog.

Ahola, M. & Valo-Vuorela, M. 2019. Learning from neighbours – A seminar on The Path of the Newly Arrived Citizen. LAMK Well-Being Blog.

Ahola, M. & Zafar, A. 2019. Merging and Collaboration of Educational Institutes: New dimension of Open Innovation. LAMK Pro. Retrieved:

Ahola, M. 2019. Ossi 2 project promoting the employment of immigrants in Päijät-Häme 1 / 2018-1 / 2020. In Finnish. LAB Health Blog. Retrieved:

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Ahola, M., & Zafar, A. 2020. Relationship Between Frugal and Inclusive Innovation and Digital Employment Solutions (DES): A Review. In International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (pp. 398-403). Springer, Cham. Retrieved:

Ahola, M., Haikala, R. & Zafar, A. 2019. Access to study and employment is a challenge for high educated students. In Finnish. Lamk PUB. Retrieved:

Ahola, M., Haikala, R. & Zafar, A. 2019. Accessible Language learning Online. Conference: 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Seville (Spain). 11th – 13th of November, 2019.At: Seville, Spain. IATED Digital Library. ISSN: 2340-1095. Retrieved:

Ahola, M., Handelberg, J., Hartikainen, A., Hirard, T., Ikäheimonen, T., Karppelin, A., Kuukkanen, T., Oikarinen, T., Peltonen, K. ja Rajala, S. 2020. KOKOMA Entrepreneurial skills for immigrants in Finnish. Teachers guide. LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications – Oppimateriaalit – Lecture Notes 21. ISSN-L 2243-3392. ISSN 2243-3392. ISBN 978-952-335-562-0. Retrieved:

Ahola, M., Liski, E. & Rantanen, V. 2019. How The Quick Path To Construction Jobs For Immigrants Succeeded – Podcast. Lamk Well-Being Youtube. In Finnish. Retrieved:

Ahola, M., Olkkonen, T. & Pusa, M.-L. 2019. Solutions through cooperation – Support available to companies for recruiting immigrants. Article in book edited by Peltonen, K. & Tommola, P.: LAMK Well-being and Regenerative Growth Annual Review 2019, The Publication Series of Lahti University of Applied Sciences, part 55, 112-123. Retrieved:

Ahola, M., Valo-Vuorela, M. ja Kalkela, K. 2019. Tools for Multicultural Teaching and Guidance -OSSI2 project training series in autumn 2019. In Finnish. LAMK Well-Being Blog. Retrieved:

Haikala, R. & Hartikainen, A. 2019. Entrepreneurship Networks in Finland. LAMK Well-Being Blog. Retrieved:

Haikala, R. 2019. Immigrants and Entrepreneurs or Immigrant Entrepreneurs? LAMK Well-Being Blog. Retrieved:

Haikala, R. 2019. Making Finland attractive. LAMK Well-Being Blog. Retrieved:

Hartikainen, A. & Ahola, M. 2020 Developing highly educated immigrant’s entrepreneurial skills – result of twho education pilots. INTED-seminar. 14th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia, 2nd, 3rd and 4th of March, 2020. ISSN: 2340-1079. IATED Digital Library. Retrieved:

Hartikainen, A. 2019 Integration is the cooperation of the whole of Finland. In Finnish. Lamk Well-being Blog. Retrieved:

Hartikainen, A. 2019.  Open e-learning belongs to everyone. In Finnish. Lamk Well-being Blog. Retrieved:

Hartikainen, A. 2019. Learning, mentoring and interacting online. In Finnish. Lamk PUB. Retrieved:

Hartikainen, A. 2019. Strengthening entrepreneurial skills and the Finnish language with an online course. In Finnish. Lamk Well-being Blog. Retrieved:

Hartikainen, A. 2020 Kun opettajat päivittyvät verkko-ohjaajiksi, on vuorovaikutus tärkeämpää kuin koskaan

Hartikainen, A., Ahola, M. & Haikala, R. 2019 Guidance and forming communities online: highly educated immigrants in language-aware entrepreneurship education. Article in the book edit. by Peltonen, K., & Tommola, P.: LAMK Well-being and Regenerative Growth Annual Review 2019, The Publication Series of Lahti University of Applied Sciences, part 55, 68-77. Retrieved:

Hartikainen, A., Ahola, M., Apiola, M. & Sutinen, E. (2020). The Immigrant Integration Online Training Program in Finland. In 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology, MIPRO 2020-Proceedings (pp. 962-967). IEEE. (DOI coming) Recieved:

Ikäheimonen, T., Oikarinen, T., Martikainen, S-J., Peltonen, K., Ahola, M. & Hartikainen, A. 2020. Kokoma – evaluation of the training model. In Finnish. Released in the fall 2020, the place of publication is not yet known.

Oikarinen, T., Ahola, M., Hartikainen, A., Ikäheimonen, T., Martikainen S.-J. & Peltonen, K.  2020.
Promoting immigrant entrepreneurship. In Finnish. Released in the fall 2020, YKTT 2020.

Zafar, A. & Ahola, M. 2019. The odyssey of obtaining a student visa for Finland. Acrticle in Retrieved:

Zafar, A. 2019 Revamping the employability of highly skilled immigrants in Finland. Publications of the Migration Institute 4/2029. Retrieved:

Zafar, A. 2019. Is the shortage of talent in Finland real or just a myth? Acrticle in Retrieved:

Zafar, A. & Ahola, M. 2019. LAB: Boosting Startup and SME Ecosystems in the South Karelia and Päijät-Häme Regions. Lamk PUB. Retrieved: 

Zafar Afnan (2023) Me vastaan he – kotoutumisen pulma Suomessa . Turun Sanomat 27.7.2023.

Zafar Afnan (2023). We vs They -The dilemma of integration in Finland. Helsinki Times 29.7.2023.