28,50 €
This guidebook is crafted for career coaches and talents seeking employment abroad. It speaks directly to talents, offering them a comprehensive guide and actionable steps for finding a job in a new country. The concept is designed so that coaches can first digest the teachings, simplify them, and then relay this knowledge to their clients. Ultimately, the target audience for this book is the talents themselves, who are exploring new opportunities in the global job market.
For those talents who embark on reading this book without the support of a coach or mentor, it serves as a personal coach. This book guides them through every step of finding employment in a new country, whether they have just arrived or are planning to move.
Whether you are a career coach looking for effective tools to support your clients or a talent navigating the challenges of the international job market, this book provides the necessary tools and knowledge to succeed.
Copyright © 2024 Afnan Zafar
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-952-65409-0-0 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-952-65409-1-7 (PDF)
Published and copyright © 2024 by Gimara Ltd.
Place of printing: Turku, Finland
This guidebook is crafted for career coaches and talents seeking employment abroad. It speaks directly to talents, offering them a comprehensive guide and actionable steps for finding a job in a new country. The concept is designed so that coaches can first digest the teachings, simplify them, and then relay this knowledge to their clients. Ultimately, the target audience for this book is the talents themselves, who are exploring new opportunities in the global job market.
For those talents who embark on reading this book without the support of a coach or mentor, it serves as a personal coach. This book guides them through every step of finding employment in a new country, whether they have just arrived or are planning to move.
Whether you are a career coach looking for effective tools to support your clients or a talent navigating the challenges of the international job market, this book provides the necessary tools and knowledge to succeed.
Paino | 0,2 kg (kilogramma) |
Breaking Barriers: Empowering Talents in the Job Market Journey | Paperpack English, PDF English |
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